Mexico’s CFE to Debut Green Bonds; Peru’s President Presents 4th Cabinet in 7 Months

A roundup of Tuesday’s news from across Latin America

February 08, 2022 | 10:30 PM

Bloomberg Línea — Mexico’s state utility CFE plans to sell green bonds in foreign debt markets for the first time amid mounting criticism that it is doing little to protect the environment. The state-owned company is looking to tap the U.S. investment-grade market with a two-part sustainability benchmark bond.

In Peru, President Pedro Castillo on Tuesday swore in his fourth cabinet since taking office last July. The new lineup was announced one week after he reshuffled his inner circle following the resignation of cabinet chief Héctor Valer Pinto, who stepped down following allegations of domestic violence. Anibal Torres, who until Tuesday was the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, took over as cabinet leader, known in Peru as president of the Council of Ministers.

On the stock markets, Peru had by far the best performance among Latin American stock exchanges and the S&P/BVL Peru (SPBLPGPT) rose 4.54%, its best day since September 2021. The good stock market performance came in the wake of the announcement by Compañía de Minas Buenaventura (BUENAVC1) that it will sell its entire stake in the Yanacocha and La Zanja gold mines.

Argentina’s Merval (MERVAL) index saw the sharpest losses in the region, down 1.17%, amid uncertainty generated by the agreement in principle with the International Monetary Fund, while Brazil’s Ibovespa (IBOV) rose by 0.21%.


Following is a roundup of Tuesday’s news from Bloomberg Línea and Bloomberg reporters across Latin America.



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Peru's President Pedro Castillo with his new cabinet chief, Aníbal Torres (right).
  • The oil spill that occurred on January 15 off the coast of Peru continues to have an impact not only on the environment, but also on some economic sectors. As a result of the ecological disaster, the Peruvian government took precautionary measures and paused operations at La Pampilla refinery. Spanish company Repsol, which is blamed for the oil spill, is the owner of La Pampilla, and supplies more than 40% of the Peruvian fuel market.

This is how the region’s markets closed on Tuesday, February 8: