Who Are the Mexicans on the Bloomberg Línea List of LatAm’s 500 Most Influential People?

The 2023 edition of this annual list aims to shine light on the Latin Americans, including 125 Mexicans, who are shaping the world with their innovation, leadership and value-generation


Mexico City — Latin America is in the spotlight as its impact on global business, economy, and culture keeps rising. In recent months, Mexico has taken center stage among the countries shaping the planet’s destiny, replacing China as the largest trading partner of the United States. You can consult the Bloomberg Linea 2023 list of the region’s top 500 influential figures here.

Mexican entrepreneurs, investors, decision-makers, and creatives are reshaping paradigms, as their influence keeps extending beyond their borders. In this context, Bloomberg Línea presents the third edition of its list of the 500 most influential people in Latin America in 2023, selected by the editorial committee after analyzing 20 markets.

The selected individuals are leaders in productive sectors that have been measured within a complex economic context, characterized by high-interest rates and uncertainty. Furthermore, this list includes Latin American figures who impact not only their region but also the global financial, artistic, scientific, and sports sectors.

Who are the Mexicans on Bloomberg Línea’s 500 List?

Bloomberg Línea’s 2023 list includes 125 Mexicans who are setting the pace, primarily in business and economic spheres. This year, it contains figures focusing on nearshoring, the relocation of businesses from Asia to markets near the United States, amidst what some have called the new Mexican miracle. These individuals will have to navigate the challenges and opportunities that will arise with an impending change of leadership in the federal government in 2024.

From Aby Lijtszain, CEO of Traxión, to Vanessa Cuevas, President of Grupo TMM, and the President of Grupo México, Germán Larrea, the logistical services provided by these companies will play a key role in bringing supplies and finished products that will form part of the nearshoring boom.

Entrepreneurs like Moisés El-Mann, Lorenzo Berho, or Federico Garza Santos are preparing investments to meet the demand for industrial spaces. Increased investment also brings the need for services and infrastructure, creating opportunities for telecommunications companies led by Carlos Slim and Mónica Aspe, energy companies like Tania Ortiz Mena from Sempra Energy and Carla Medina from Asolmex, and construction companies led by Rogelio Zambrano Lozano from Cemex and Guadalupe Phillips from ICA Tenedora.

These efforts will require investments, and banks and private funds, such as those led by Laura Diez Barroso from Santander México, Sergio Méndez from BlackRock, and Carlos Hank from Banorte.

Methodology - How 500 List Was Compiled

The editorial team at Bloomberg Line conducted research in more than 20 countries in the region to highlight entrepreneurs, innovators, philanthropists, athletes, artists, activists, public figures, and scientists. Editors considered factors such as job creation, investments, or innovations that contributed to significant economic activity and their influence across various sectors.

The 2023 list includes a growing percentage of women who have led initiatives to advance their countries’ economies in key indicators, as well as diverse demographic groups. All of these individuals have earned their place on the list.

The Top 500 Latin Americans is a dynamic list that will change based on the performance of those selected and the emergence of new personalities who make things happen in the region. You can view the complete list here.