Rosana Negrini

Argentina | President | Agrometal

Rosana Negrini
September 17, 2023 | 07:00 PM

Rosana Negrini is the president of Agrometal, one of the main national agricultural machinery companies in Argentina. In 2000, after the death of her father, she took control of the company, which has more than 70 years of experience in the Argentine market. Negrini is one of the leading women in a sector that in 2023 is suffering the consequences of a drought that generated losses of some US$ 20 billion. In view of this situation, she recently joined the demand for a national Agricultural Machinery Law so that credit reaches the Argentine manufacturer. Her company plays a fundamental role in the life of the 10,000 inhabitants of the town where it is located: Monte Maíz, Córdoba.

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