Camilo Atala

Camilo Atala

Honduras | Chairman of the Board | Banco Ficohsa

By Bloomberg Línea
September 17, 2023 | 07:10 PM

Founder of Financiera Comercial Hondureña, which later became Banco Ficohsa, the entity he currently presides and which, together with Interamericana de Seguros, Divisas Corporativas and Probursa, is part of Grupo Financiero Ficohsa, which he has also headed since 1994. Director of Fundación Ficohsa para la Educación Infantil and chairman of the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. In August 2023, the company joined the Partnership for Central America (PCA), a public-private initiative launched by U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to create economic opportunities in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. That commitment includes investing $50 million in digital services to expand financial inclusion and ensure that a greater proportion of remittances sent to Central American families are deposited in bank accounts and invested in assets, savings and businesses.

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