PRESS RELEASE — Since its launch in July 2021, Bloomberg Línea has delivered comprehensive business and financial news to Spanish, Portuguese, and English-speaking audiences, significantly impacting the Americas and globally. The platform’s podcasts have also performed exceptionally, which have surpassed 5 million downloads in just over a year. Securing the top spot as the most listened-to Spanish-speaking Business News podcast on Spotify, Apple, and Amazon audio platforms in the Americas, with over 500,000 weekly listeners, demonstrates the brand’s commitment to innovation and audience engagement.
Around 40% of the platform’s traffic comes directly from loyal users, highlighting its strong user base. Bloomberg Línea also successfully connects with a young and diverse audience, with GenZs and Millennials making up around 60% of its users.
Despite economic challenges faced by media companies and startups over the last couple of years, Bloomberg Línea has thrived by exploring new revenue streams and strategic partnerships. The platform has worked with over 120 advertisers in just two years.
Bloomberg Línea’s CEO, Leon Falic celebrated “Marking Bloomberg Línea’s second anniversary, I feel immense pride in our team and our journey. We’ve built a brand that stands for quality and relevance, and I’m excited about our future. Here’s to more milestones and to consistently delivering top-notch content to our audience”.
Co-founder Kaio Philipe succinctly remarked, “This showcases the power of innovation, resilience, and understanding of audience needs. In just two years, we’ve created a multi-platform brand engaging millions monthly. As we celebrate our second anniversary, we’re committed to delivering quality, timely content to our users, with gratitude in our hearts.”
Bloomberg Linea per the lens of Bloomberg Linea’s team
In commemoration of the milestone, Bloomberg Línea took the opportunity to honor the multitude of diverse perspectives that have contributed to its illustrious journey from inception. The multi-talented team, hailing from an impressive array of over 16 countries worldwide, engaged in a riveting, interactive Q&A session - Miguel Baez, from Social Media; Jimena Tolama and Ana Siedschlag from the Content Room; Sergio Ripardo and Francisco Aldaya from the Newsroom; and Andrea Gonzalez from Communications - shared insights from their journey, their future aspirations, and their collective pride in their significant work.
On Launch Day
What were you doing on that day? Any memories you want to bring up?
Miguel Baez MB: “On launch day, the experience was intriguing and filled with a sense of the unknown. We were taking on a remote dynamic and exploring new territories. It was a time of intense learning.”
Jimena Tolama JT: “The memory that stands out from that day is a sense of calm excitement like we were on the verge of launching a rocket. Despite being apart, we managed to work effectively. The moment we went live, the excitement was palpable.”
Ana Siedschlag AS: “I remember being filled with anticipation. It was like waiting for something big that we had been building from scratch.”
Sergio Ripardo SR: “I was at home, writing texts for the website launch. It was a mix of anxiety and certainty that our work would attract readers.”
Francisco Aldaya FA: “It was a satisfying day, as our planning came to fruition. It was like navigating in the dark, uncertain about what would come. But the entire team, in every country, was prepared for the challenge.”
Andrea Gonzalez AG: “I was at our Panama HQ, working on localizing articles for our website. The anticipation was palpable, and seeing our work go live was triumphant.”
Initial Thoughts
What was your first thought when you saw Bloomberg Linea live?
MB: “It was a mix of excitement and a sense of enormous challenges to come, coupled with the comfort of working with such capable professionals.”
JT: “The moment we went live, I thought, ‘Showtime!’ It was a moment of responsibility as we were tasked with providing accurate financial information to audiences .”
AS: “Seeing it live made me realize the magnitude of what we had accomplished.”
SR: “The strength of the Bloomberg brand gave us confidence.”
FA: “I was confident in our product because of the strength of the Bloomberg brand. The quality of our content and the pace of our growth wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.”
AG: “Seeing Bloomberg Línea live filled me with excitement and pride. I was proud of our team and what we had achieved.”
Future Visions
How do you envision the future of BBL in terms of growth and development?
MB: “I see BBL growing through SEO, automation, and AI-generated content. More events, partnerships, and exclusive content will solidify Bloomberg Línea’s reputation.”
JT: “Bloomberg Línea’s responsibility is to continue providing accurate and non-biased information to our audience. It’s a responsibility we take seriously.”
AS: “I envision BBL becoming a reference point in financial markets and business, especially for younger audiences.”
SR: “I believe in our mission: to be a global reference in economic, financial, and business news.”
FA: “I believe our growth so far is only the beginning. We’re nimble, flexible, and can uphold high standards while focusing on emerging trends.”
AG: “I envision a bright future for BBL as the definitive source of business, market, and financial news. While there is room for growth, our focus remains on our main objectives.”
Anniversary Messages
Any message you want to send out to BL 2 years anniversary?
MB: “Don’t be afraid of the unknown. It’s exciting to learn as we go and to try new things.”
JT: “I am thankful for being part of Bloomberg Línea. The freedom to innovate and a diversified team of talents are what I value the most.”
AS: “I want to congratulate everyone for their efforts and dedication. I am proud to work with such a passionate team.”
SR: “Keep pushing. If this mantra motivates us, why change it? Let’s continue to adapt and innovate without losing our essence.”
FA: “Thank you to everyone who helps keep BBL running and pushes for more growth. Our focus on collaboration and mutual benefit is unique and reflects the quality of our staff.”
AG: “On this anniversary, I want to express my pride in being a part of Bloomberg Línea. Here’s to many more years of growth and improvement!”