AI Will Free Up Time to Think Up Ideas, Globant’s CEO Says

The co-founder of the Argentine unicorn, Martín Migoya, tells Bloomberg Línea artificial intelligence will generate new opportunities, far from implying a catastrophe for the human race


Bloomberg Línea — Argentina-based software company Globant (GLOB) is embracing artificial intelligence (AI) as a means of differentiating itself from its competitors.

Globant’s CEO Martin Migoya said in an interview with Bloomberg Línea that there is potential and usefulness for AI as a tool for businesses, noting its performative capabilities in generating text, and also highlighted the importance of understanding the limits of AI and its competencies, saying that humans will continue to play a crucial role in this new technology.

“I don’t think it is a hype, I think it is a very useful tool. It is a tool that we never saw before in terms of how performative it is to create texts, so that is a little bit surprising in terms of how a machine can really talk like a human,” Migoya said.

“Now, does that mean the machine is really competent? Well, that is another discussion,” he added.

Migoya firmly believes that AI has the power to enhance human capabilities and augment the way work is produced on a daily basis. He drew parallels to past tools like calculators, which significantly increased productivity. According to him, AI will enable humans to spend more time creating ideas rather than executing them, resulting in a shift from the traditional 80% execution and 20% ideation model to an 80% ideation and 20% execution model.

While acknowledging the extensive marketing campaign around AI, Migoya emphasized that humans will continue to play a crucial role in providing context and prompting machines in a proper manner.

He dismissed the notion of AI replacing humans’ work, stating that humans will remain in control for many years to come, and that he believes that AI will augment productivity and lead to new opportunities, but that it won’t be the end of the human race.

Globant, a company that has been investing in AI for the past eight years, employs artificial intelligence in various aspects of its operations, including recruitment, project allocation, knowledge sharing, programming, and testing, according to the CEO.

Migoya expressed the company’s readiness to embrace this new wave of AI technologies, which has led to higher performance expectations and the emergence of new products.

Discussing generative AI, he highlighted the importance of using this technology for customer interactions

He predicts that more corporations will adopt conversational applications over transactional ones, enabling human-like conversations between customers and companies. Migoya also touched upon the significance of technologies like the Metaverse and Apple Vision Pro, emphasizing the need to pay attention to these trends alongside AI.

“Things come in waves, and now it is the turn of AI. It was the turn of Metaverse last year. Web 3.0 is a philosophical change on how to do transactions among humans without having a middleman. Those are things that are extremely important in terms of technology.”

Bitcoin on Globant’s balance sheet

Regarding cryptocurrencies, Globant made headlines for adding Bitcoin to its balance sheet in recent years.

When asked if the company would repeat this move, Migoya expressed his belief in the technology of cryptocurrencies and the idea of decentralized interactions without intermediaries, including central banks. While uncertain about future decisions, Migoya sees the potential and opportunity presented by crypto.

Elections in Argentina

Regarding Argentina’s post-election landscape, and its effect on the market, Migoya noted a shift in people’s mindset toward entrepreneurship, job creation, education, and meritocracy.

He said he sees more individuals embracing these values, which he believes will positively impact the country’s future. However, Migoya refrained from commenting extensively on political aspects related to elections.