Sustainable practices: JBS tests use of 100% biodiesel in its fleet

Produced at the plant in Lins, state of São Paulo, Brazil, the renewable fuel will supply the trucks of Dutch carmaker DAF on the route between the countryside and the Port of Santos


In order to reaffirm its commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change, JBS has decided to introduce 100% biodiesel (B100) into its truck fleet, sealing an unprecedented and innovative partnership with Dutch carmaker DAF.

The vehicles will be fueled with B100 produced by the JBS plant in Lins, state of São Paulo. The immediate objective is to evaluate the quality of 100% biodiesel as a substitute for traditional diesel, contributing to decarbonization and the energy transition by stimulating new technological mobility solutions on the Brazilian road network.

With two other plants – one in Mafra (state of Santa Catarina) and the other in Campo Verde (state of Mato Grosso) – JBS’s plant in Lins is one of the five largest biodiesel producers in Brazil, and is the leading producer of biofuel from beef tallow.

According to the Dutch automaker, JBS has chosen three DAF 530 models, capable of carrying 74 tons, to test the use of B100 biodiesel. The vehicles will be used on the logistics route between Lins and the Port of Santos, covering an average of 1,200 km per day.

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel obtained from a chemical process called transesterification, which is then mixed with diesel in a proportion defined by the federal government. Currently, the mandatory blend is 12% (B12 diesel). According to data from the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP), it is an alternative, renewable, biodegradable and less toxic source of energy.

Brazil has a timetable for increasing this percentage over the next few years, to 13% in 2024, 14% in 2025 and 15% in 2026. According to data from the StoneX consultancy, the use of biodiesel in the country is expected to grow by 15.5% in 2023 compared to last year, totaling 7.3 billion liters.

JBS Biodiesel, with facilities in Lins, Mafra and Campo Verde, is Brazil’s largest producer of biodiesel generated from organic waste from beef processing and used cooking oil, with an installed capacity of around 720 million liters per year.

Alexandre Pereira, Commercial Director of JBS Biodiesel, points out that the introduction of B100 in the company’s truck fleet is an important signal for the Brazilian market.

“Biodiesel has several benefits for Brazil. Aside from being greener, helping to reduce pollution in big cities, it is a biofuel that helps to reduce dependence on diesel imports. Additionally, it is a high-quality product that does not cause any damage to engines,” says the executive, pointing out that biodiesel emits up to 80% less carbon dioxide than fossil diesel.

According to data from Embrapa, the use of biodiesel reduces emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), sulphur oxide (SOx), total hydrocarbons (HC) and a large part of toxic hydrocarbons, which have carcinogenic potential.