Bloomberg Línea Named Publisher of the Year by Digiday en Español

Brand wins two awards: Publisher of the Year and Leader of the Year


PRESS RELEASE — Bloomberg Línea has clinched the title of ‘Publisher of the Year’. This distinction underscores Bloomberg Línea’s unmatched ability to “consistently exceed client expectations and objectives in promoting brands, products, or services,” as recognized at the Digiday en Español Awards, organized by Digiday, a media publication that serves marketing industries. This award further reinforces the brand’s dedication to delivering high-quality content with a significant impact.

The judging committee, comprising professionals from companies such as Google, Linkedin, Meta, Edelman, Leo Burnett, and NBC Universal, among others, based their decisions on criteria like Innovation, Creativity, Consumer Value, Results, and Overall Assessment, seeking clear evidence of success over the past 12 months.

Additionally, Kaio Philipe, COO and Co-Founder of Bloomberg Línea, received the ‘Leader of the Year’ award. This accolade is presented to the individual who has most effectively championed and made tangible advances for the Hispanic and Latinx community in the media and marketing sector in Latin America, the US and Spain. Together, these awards highlight the benchmark of excellence set by Bloomberg Línea and its leadership stance in the global media landscape.