Belisario Roldán

Buenos Aires | Argentina

One of the top 30 restaurants to do business in Latin America

Why choose it: “It all starts there” is the phrase used by executives in the city of Buenos Aires who choose Roldán’s steakhouse to start a new business, to negotiate or close a deal. Nestled in the Club Hípico de Palermo, the city’s horse riding club and polo field, you only need to pass through the door to immerse yourself in a country atmosphere in the middle of the city, where the noise quietens down to make room for business.

Business tips: It is common that during the week not only executives can be seen chatting while enjoying the best cuts of grilled meat and a distinctive pastry. During election time, the political class also likes to eat with a view of the equestrian field and even enjoy a polo match. Both outdoors and indoors, the areas are spacious and allow diners to share large meals or a lunch with the privacy required. “Ojalá Suceda” (I hope it happens), says a luminous sign on one of its walls as a good omen.

Average cost per person (without drinks): ARS$7,100 (USD 35).

Location: Av. Presidente Figueroa Alcorta 5100, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.