Pía León

Chef | Central Restaurante | Gastronomy | Perú

With an extensive career as an award-winning chef in the gastronomic capital of South America, Pía León for seven years has headed Central Kitchen, the second-best restaurant in the world according to the 50 Best listing, and is the current head chef of Kjolle, a restaurant that León founded in 2018 and which is already positioned among the 100 best restaurants in the world. That same year, León received the award for best female chef in Latin America, and in 2021 she was named best female chef in the world by The World’s 50 Best. In 2021, León was invited to participate in the series Waffles + Mochi, produced by Michelle Obama, with an episode filmed at Mater Iniciativa, a research center that León founded with her husband and chef Virgilio Martínez, and which invites children to learn about global ingredients and cultures.