Sergio ‘Checo’ Perez

Mexico | F1 Pilot | Sports

Sergio 'Checo' Pérez.
September 18, 2022 | 10:30 PM

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Sergio Pérez achieved in 2011 what no other Mexican racing driver had done since 1981. That year he became the first Mexican to return to compete in the Formula 1 championship, the highest category in world motorsport. Known as ‘Checo’ from a very young age in his family circle, the nickname gradually crept into the minds of most fans, who are now celebrating his second year with Red Bull Racing, one of the most successful teams, after years of proving himself with driving feats, podium positions and victories. The 32-year-old driver was sponsored from the earliest stages by Carlos Slim Domit, the heir to Mexico’s richest man. This year he became the first Mexican to win the classic Monaco Grand Prix and is still looking to one day be crowned world champion. Outside of his milestones and priorities on the track, Perez is preparing himself in the investment arena by betting on new economy companies, such as Mexico’s Kavak.