Honduran Former President Extradited to U.S.; ICJ Rules In Favor of Nicaragua In Colombia Spat

A roundup of Thursday’s news from across Latin America


Bloomberg Línea — Former president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado was extradited Thursday to the United States to face three charges associated with drug trafficking. Hernández, who was in office from 2014 to 2022, was handed over in handcuffs by local police to U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents and flown to the United States.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague ruled on Thursday in favor of Nicaragua following the Central American country’s complaints of violations of sovereign rights and maritime spaces by Colombia. The Court stated that Colombia violated “sovereignty and jurisdiction” of the Central American country’s territories by authorizing fishing and research activities in Nicaragua’s exclusive economic zone.

On the region’s stock markets, the poor performance of the U.S. stock markets following comments by Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell spread to all Latin American markets on a day in which none of the main indices posted gains. The sharpest losses were registered by the Chilean IPSA index (IPSA), dragged down by the performance of the materials, information technology and energy sectors.

Following is a roundup of Thursday’s news from Bloomberg Línea and Bloomberg reporters across Latin America.







