Luis Pagani

  • Sector: Food & Beverages
  • Company: Arcor
  • Country: Argentina

Luis Pagani is one of the most influential businessmen in the food sector in Argentina. He is the president of Grupo Arcor, which, counting all associated companies, has 40 plants and more than 14,000 employees in Argentina and about 22,000 in the region. Focused on mass consumer products, the Córdoba-based group registered in 2020 2% growth in its sales volumes compared to 2019, when it billed US$2,5 billion but had a $144 million Argentine pesos’ loss. In June 2021, despite the complexities that the pandemic posed for the food industry, where the Argentine Government’s price controls were focused, Pagani and Arcor announced an investment of US$20 million for the startup of a plant in the province of Misiones.